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School Accountability Advisory Committee (SAAC)

What do School Accountability Advisory Committee’s do?

SAAC’s were created by the Colorado legislature to ensure an independent review of student achievement results and input into achievement improvement plans and budgets by parents and community members.

SAAC Responsibilities

  1. Reviews and provides input into the development of the School’s Unified Improvement Plan

  2. Provides input into budget allocation as it relates to the School’s Unified Improvement Plan

  3. Provides input into activities to increase parent engagement in school

  4. Reviews and provides input into the implementation of the School’s Unified Improvement Plan

What type of data or information might the SAAC consider when determining recommendations? All data reviewed by the SAAC is “big picture”, so will not include specific staff or student information to ensure confidentiality. The purpose of any data review is to identify areas of strength and need, and look for possible trends.

  • State standardized assessment data

  • District assessment data

  • School surveys